FlexCon ’23 Review (and what’s to come)!


It’s been a couple of weeks since we wrapped FlexCon ’23 and there hasn’t been much time to come up for air. After all, our customers were busy with their summer festivals, fireworks shows, and so much more. 

Still, we wanted to share key takeaways from FlexCon ’23 and even preview a bit out what we will do in the future. 

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Everybody we asked for feedback about their key takeaways had something different to share, but they all knew they had important information to share with their companies.


They included: 

  • Inventory worksheet updates-our spreadsheet-like view of your inventory, which provides the ability to very quickly change information about your assets without having to open each inventory page individually. 
  • How to start, or more effectively use, transfers and subrentals.
  • And for those newer to Flex, we heard of their better handle on the overall workflow: Quote> Pullsheet> Scanning> Manifest> Invoice.


All in all, that means FlexCon ’23 was a personal and custom experience. We say, Mission: Accomplished. 

What we also learned was that we can do some things better. We asked and you told us:  

  1. We will provide better details about each individual class, and provide individual course registration.
  2. We will create a  “Support Lounge” where customers can come to get one-on-one support and answers to their burning questions.
  3. We will provide an even broader range of classes. Including both shorter “narrative” and also longer-format “hands-on instructional” classes.

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We also learned that everyone who attended LOVED Tom Stimson. We do too. Make sure you follow him and check out his other content.


Finally, one of the coolest things we’ve heard is the “bring it here!” request to have FlexCon in Australia, California, Texas, and more. It’s kind of intriguing. 


Thank you for attending FlexCon ’23. When push comes to shove – this is a people business. Seeing so many longtime friends and connecting with new ones reminds us why we do this in the first place.


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