Asset Inventory

Flex Asset Solutions

  • No More Spreadsheets
  • Simplify Tracking
  • Maximize Utilization
  • Minimize Losses

Why Flex?
Create better experiences.

Our asset management software business was born from the most demanding of all asset management challenges—Live Events.

We built Flex Rental solutions to help production companies better manage their assets so they can focus on creating better experiences for their clients. We knew that if our clients could be more efficient with their asset inventory management, it would free them to be more creative. More creative means growth and bigger impact.

The best in-class asset inventory management solution you will find.

Inventory Asset Features


Quick Setup

Get up and running in a matter of days, not weeks or months.


Improved Accuracy

Improve your data accuracy and stop relying on paperwork to track your data.


Easy to Use

Navigating your assets shouldn’t be hard and it isn’t with our intuitive app.


Increase Efficiency & Accuracy

Ensure your assets are being used to their fullest. Acquire more only when truly needed. Cut down on operating costs.


Improved Tracking
& Notification

Always know where your assets are assigned. Notifications of upcoming due dates. Easilly track maintenance and deprecitaiton.


Minimize Losses & Downtime

Simple workflow.
Time saving features.
Intuitive product design.

Sign up now and discover what Flex can do for your business.


As we grew into the leading rental solution platform, we realized we were challenged to manage our own corporate assets. Initially, we hacked together a solution that was better than anything in the market. But it still wasn’t good enough for us. Because we don’t hack solutions. Instead, we created a best-in-class asset inventory management solution for enterprise businesses.

Like schools.

Tracking a school's assets was a challenge and one that can be costly if mismanaged. In 2020, the Greenville, South Carolina public schools reported 4,000 missing Chromebooks at a cost of nearly $1.2 million dollars. Struggling with their current system, the Quakertown Community School District wanted to make sure this didn’t happen to them. Having tried many asset inventory management solutions they were frustrated by their inadequacy. Because other platforms didn’t work, they still relied on spreadsheets. So they reached out to find a better system for their evolved needs, which is exactly what we delivered for them.

Or event centers.

Riverside EpiCenter was at an inflection point. Given the ongoing growth of the business they were continuing to buy more and more new equipment. At the same time they didn’t have a proper way of managing it. The concern was that sooner or later things would start to walk away or disappear and require a costly cycle of replacements. Now they have a proper system in place to help them manage their burgeoning inventory of assets. Flex can not only support today’s needs, but also scales to meet the challenges of the future growth.


We learned the power and importance of proper asset inventory management while touring with the biggest bands. While working for United States Presidents. While waiting for the winners’ names to be announced at the Oscars. And learned we needed that expertise while managing assets in our own business! We want to share that same expertise to help you manage your enterprise assets.


Why is enterprise asset tracking important?

Asset inventory tracking is a critical component to any organization’s success. Having the peace of mind that this foundational element is solid not only creates confidence, it limits loss, maximizes utilization, and supports growing and thriving operations.

Trade headaches for
peace of mind.

Are you buying more assets to support your business growth? Have you found that small things have started to go missing? All good signs that it is time to take a look at how you are managing your assets. Flex can help.

Frequently Asked Questions

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