Support Summit Recap: Hello from Houston! Clear Vision, Full Stomach, Can’t Lose.
Last week, CEO Chris Stein traveled to Houston, Texas, to meet with our Support Team.
The purpose of the meeting was to connect, learn, and (apparently) eat.
The event was a huge success and we thought we’d share a few key notes:
Day One Work:
- Refine and optimize support workflow
- Learn best practices for new tools and systems
- Solve customer tickets as a team
Day One Food:
- Italiano’s, a local favorite (not BBQ?)
Anne-Blakely Barloco said:
“I can’t stress how flawlessly all of our ideas and mindsets came together. We are all on the same page on how to move forward, grow as a support team, and be there not only for each other, but also and especially” for our customers.”
Day Two Work:
- More team ticket solving
- The future of the support team deep dive
- Employee Health: Habits when working from home and managing stress to be there for ourselves, our team, our company, and our clients.
Day Two Food:
- Hearty American lunch at Bill’s Cafe (still not BBQ?)
Key Takeaways:
This trip further solidified our team and provided a clear vision to better ourselves and our support department.
- Flex Rental Solutions is a company built of amazing, kind-hearted, passionate people.
- We all have a common love for food.
- The future of Flex is in good hands as is the NOW!
- We are constantly striving to make Flex Rental Solutions a better product and experience for our customers and employees.